I am you.
You are me.
We are One.
yes - thank you - More, Please
We are a multi-faith spiritual & community center with offerings to pursue embodiment, art, and various wisdom traditions.
We are a space to revere the infinite archetypes of Sacred Truth, to discover your true nature, open to both interfaith and secular folks. We are especially committed to the rising of Shakti, the Divine Feminine, but honestly, we don't care who sits on the throne of your heart... whether masculine, feminine, or of the Great Mystery. We just know that our humanity shines when we serve something larger than ourselves. We are a home for "unorganized religion" and we believe that the Infinite is too large to hold in a single name or archetype. Regardless of what (and how) we believe, we invite in the possibility for other perspectives. There are many valid paths of love and truth, let's explore them together.
TRG operates with sliding-scale and donation-based offerings to help you get/stay embodied. From kirtan to Pagan Wheel Celebrations, ecstatic movement, meditation, moon reverence, art creation, and even drum birthings. At all gatherings, we serve simple beverages, invite you to offer some love to a deity, do art, pull some cards... just be connected in loving community. All bodies (regardless of gender) are welcome. We are allies to all... diversity is beautiful.
Happening Soon @ the TRG:
<click image for details>
Let us show you around…
This is our Wisteria Wonderland. In here you’ll find our collection of tarot and oracle cards along with some solo space to comtemplate and reflect. The walls are adorned with vulva casts and mirrors… it truly is a wonderland!
This is Isabell.
She is the World’s Largest Velvet Vulva, and She is the entrance to our altar room, a portal between the worlds.
How’d she get her name? Her clitoris… is a bell!
Traditionally, when entering a room of deities, you want to let them know you’re coming, so we ring Her bell before we enter.
It’s also a kitchy nod to all vulvas… they should all have their bell rung before entering ;)
We like to make noise.
This is our altar room. We encourage you to take up space… get loud, get playful, and get it out.
You don’t have to worship silently or standing still. You may light a candle on an altar or sit and offer prayers. We have several altars, with new ones being added all the time!
We currently have altars for
Divine Feminine (all archetypes)
Divine Masculine (all archetypes)
Pagan Sabbat (changes 8x/year)
Crone & Baba Yaga
Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Eve & Lilith
Our Beloved Dead
Vishnu, Krishna & His avatars
…and a very special Embodied Divine altar, and ongoing creation of the community, where you are invitited to acknowledge people in your own life who have represented the light of Divine Truth and Love.

We have a podcast!
Rebel Women With Teacups
New episodes (almost) every Wednesday!
Listen up!
• Listen up!
our principal truths:
Regardless of name, form, gender or archetype, we all share the same singular divine source.
We all have the right to fully embody light and shadow, in connection with Nature and Her cycles.
We empower ourselves and others without apology or harm, aware and in awe of our united potential.
With the wisdom of our ancestors and the hope of all future descendants, we lean into the unknown with grace.
We release that which no longer serves us and manifest that which does.
We embrace the radical, celebrate our wild, and embolden each other to do the same.
*While the container of the TRG reveres all archetypes, the founding creatrixes have a particular affinity for the Divine Feminine. You are not expected to feel the same, but we do ask for you to honor the paths that others walk, regardless of your own. Diversity is beautiful, and when respected, it deepens the awareness of ourselves.
We’re so glad you found us.
We can’t wait to share this journey with you.
United, we are steady as the Earth, enlivened as air.
We alchemize like fire, flow as the water
Together, in reverence to the Divine
yes. thank you. more, please.