yes. thank you. more, please.
Sam first encountered Sarah during her Winter Solstice spoken word performance of “A Love Letter to a Wild Woman.” Sam was enamored and inspired by her powerful prose. Months later, we crossed paths again when a mutual friend asked us both to attend a ladies group lunch.
Within minutes of several powerful women sitting around a table, feminine secrets and belly laughs were being shared. That lunch birthed a book club (we read Pussy: a Reclamation by Mama Gena) where we got to discuss our shared pursuit of empowered sexuality.
During a book club meeting, Sarah shared that she wanted to attend a year-long Sacred Feminine intensive training. Coincidentally, Sam was finishing up her last few months in the same training. Sam continued the training for a second year, and we connected even deeper, side by side as students under the same teacher… creating, playing, and reclaiming the Goddess together in circle. Our shared love for the Wild Woman archetype and the work of raising the Sacred feminine had cracked our hearts open, and we found magick inside. Our desire to share what we found in circle came to the forefront of our paths.
In time, we would create our first event and discover the unending pool of magic in our partnership. When you truly want to devour the sacred work that each other brings forth, you become each other's teacher and student simultaneously. It’s too easy, too good, too fulfilling *not* to create together. We simply must. Our individual medicine is amplified through our co-creation; there is so much more fun to be had together.
We are both here to create embodied experiences of the feminine, to encourage open & unbridled expression, and to celebrate the Goddess in all her Divine glory.
In each other, we can see perfection, the Goddess. We can’t help but cheer one another on, encouraging the other to be fearless, inspired to be her biggest, brightest self. We are each other's mirror. We inspires one another, driving us to expand to places we would never go one our own. In our sisterhood, we have come to know the secret that lies under all of our human experience, seeing each other through the eyes of the Goddess:
I am her, She is me, We are one.
and together, we can do anything. Everything.
And we desire to delight in this incredible magick we’ve found with you.