Private Rituals & Celebrations
make it sacred, make it inspired
Let us hold space for you with private ritual facilitation.
Birthday, wedding, anniversary, new baby... there are many reasons to celebrate, and many ways to celebrate.
In a traditional baby shower, a soon-to-be mother may end up with lots of gifts, but it is an event that subtly marks her as secondary to the baby. What if instead, the baby shower was a time to dote on the woman carrying child. To spend an evening of with her closest sisters covering her body in delicious oils, washing her feet and sprinkling rose petals on her. Instead of guessing the melted candy bar in the diaper, we make time to share authentically and vulnerably about the sacrifices and celebration of what is it to transition from Maiden to Mother. What if instead of just baby gifts, the woman also received gifts to nurture her own soul knowing that in the weeks after labor she will be less likely to prioritize her own needs.
For the woman about to be married, our culture encourages bachelorette parties with genital shaped lollypops and sexy under garments... all trappings that unintentionally places the focus on the pleasing of her future partner. And bridal showers where she receives a vacuum and a gravy boat... what if instead of giving her the tools to cook/clean well, we give her the tools to be in partnership well. What if we honored the woman as an individual, and held space to reflect on the powerful woman that she has become along the way. What if it wasn't about giving herself away, and instead about the potential to amplify her power and impact on the world through the alchemy of love while maintaining her sovereignty.
None of these things are bad on their own, but there is a detriment to the woman when these celebrations remain superficial. They are lost opportunities to connect intimately, lost opportunities for wild authenticity. We want to unmask the original intent of the gathering, which is to revere the Goddess as she makes her way around the wheel of life. Don't miss out on the sacred with a spatter patriarchal tropes in it’s place.
-Want to paint your faces, or twirl silk scarves while howling and dancing to your group's favorite song?
-Want to have an astrologer sit in tell you about how the cosmos may influence your transitions?
-Want to write an invocation (or affirmation) with your Sisters and chant it to the Goddess of honor?
-Do we need a releasing/grieving ritual for the Maiden so she can step into Motherhood without holding anything back?
-Would it be worthwhile to offer the space for a soon-to-be mother to air her fears and worries before the birth of her child takes place?
-Does a bride-to-be want to create a memorial for her single self, so that the part of her who she has always been will live on?
-Want to get creative and make art, or candles, or other apothecary items?
-Want a centering meditation to ground everyone together?
-Want to dress up as your favorite Goddess and call everyone by their archetype's name for the evening?
These are just a few ideas… the sky is the limit here. Let us play and celebrate with you. We can help you plan one hell of a party. And we are really really good at making women feel seen, loved, and affirmed.
We co-create the gathering with you, customizing the rituals and details based on the Woman we are serving. you wouldn’t greet Medusa the same way you would greet Aphrodite; each goddess has specific needs and we want to meet them.
Prices vary based on event and the amount of support you would like (do you want us to set up/clean up, facilitate the whole thing or just a portion…) reach out to start the conversation.