Hello There, Sweet Soul!

We are an inclusive, growing community with a love for co-creation. Do you feel called to co-create with us? We’d love to hear from you!

Below is a link to our proposal form for new facilitators to submit workshops, classes or trainings for the TRG. It is designed to be accessible for both experienced facilitators and newcomers. The form requests information about the proposed topic, the intended audience, the length and format of the session, and the facilitator's qualifications and experience. We encourage all interested individuals to submit proposals, and we look forward to offering a diverse range of programs to our community.

We are currently in a growth spurt, please expect 2-3 week response time. 

We're grateful that you desire to share your medicine in our container. Thank you for reaching out. 

If you are a returning facilitator looking for our seasonal proposal form, please contact us directly and we will send you the link!